Apple to host their “Peek Performance” event


Apple planned their Peek Performance event for tomorrow night. – Photo by Apple

On Tuesday, March 8th, 2022, Apple will host their “Peek Performance” event. As with every one of Apple’s events, new devices will be revealed at the event.

Greg Joswiak (senior vice president for World Marketing at Apple) posted about the event on Twitter. – Photo by Daphne Linn

According to circulating rumors, Apple could potentially release their new iPhone SE, which should be priced at only $305. This would be the third iPhone SE, following the iPhone SE 2020 (which is priced at $399). Apple doesn’t plan to change the size of the SE, despite the gradually increasing sizes of the rest of the rest of their line. A large part of the SE’s success is estimated to be because of its small size, which is unique to the SE. The 3rd generation iPhone SE may also feature FaceID, which would be a huge upgrade. Finally, the iPhone SE Pro may be revealed at the event, which would be a big deal since the last SE models didn’t have a Pro version.

The iPhone SE 2020 (above) was the last SE Apple released. – Photo by Apple

New iPads and Macs are also expected to be announced during the event, with better chip processors and displays. However, unlike the iPhone SE, there’s not much that is expected to change with these devices compared to their predecessors.

In 2020, along with the iPhone SE, Apple released the iPad, iPad air (both above), Macs, and more. – Photo by PCMag

With the pandemic, Apple events in the last two years have consisted of more video effects and less in-person effects. So far, this has been working for Apple, so it is anticipated that Apple will continue to use this method.

This screenshot was taken from Apple’s November 2020 event video. – Photo by Apple

Whatever surprises the Peek Performance event brings, customers will be excited to order the new products and see what Apple has in store for them this spring.