Exercising During the Winter Months

Exercising During the Winter Months

Minda R.

One of the biggest struggles that people have during winter is working out. Many Americans experience gaining weight, and struggling to find ways to work out and stay active during the winter months. In this article, you will find ways on how to exercise safely during this winter. Most people might say to go to the gym, however with COVID-19 and the Omicron variant, many people do not want to go to the gym and risk their health. Expert Alex Tauberg who is a chiropractor at Pittsburg Tauberg Chiropractic & Rehabilitation says, “Exercising in the cold is not a health hazard and can be a healthy activity,”. Being outside is good for your mental health, but during winter that can be hard. There are some risks, like colds, and possibly falling (if icy), but there are ways to avoid that. Here are some tips to help keep workouts during the winter months safe. The first way is to know the temperature and the wind chill. When the temperature is low and there is wind, that can be a very dangerous combination, so understand the possible dangers. When the wind chill goes near minus 25 degrees Fahrenheit, this can cause frostbite to occur within 15 minutes. Another way to stay safe is to be aware of the personal risk factors. Some people are more susceptible than others to getting injured in the cold, so know your limits. If you struggle with heart problems and vascular diseases, you are more at risk than others. Next dress in layers to keep your warm, and adjust your layers as needed. Another tip to make sure that you are wearing good and supportive footwear. Your shoes should be permeable, making sure that your feet are not wet which can also cause frostbite. Eating snacks will help to energize you on your workout and stay healthy. Last is to stretch before and after the workout to prevent any serious injuries.