The importance of Art and Music


Emma Yeager

In the education system, elementary school kids are required to take art and music classes as well as in middle school. But as kids go to high school these sorts of classes are no longer required and can be a choice whether you take them or not. I believe that students should be required to take either an art of music class in high school. As important as it is for students to choose what they want to do and enjoy the classes they take, students should constantly be challenging themselves with something new that makes them be creative. It is said that art and music boost your critical thinking, by reading music kids can learn different skills involving this. Art and music are also shown to build people confidence, as this can’t be proven it studies have shown that when you complete an art project you’re proud of or learning something new in music you feel good about yourself. Art and music are also so important with building your respect and appreciation for different cultures. By completing an art project that is different or from a specific culture or playing music performed in different cultures you are learning so much about the world around you. A study also shows that music can improve your memory. It has shown that kids who learn music at an early age can memorize words and sounds faster than their peers. Even adults can help their memorization by just listening to music. I think that if high schools do a better job and focusing students to be creative in some sort of art or music class they will see major benefits.