Protect Your Skin!

Protect Your Skin!

Emma Yeager

As the days are getting hotter and the sun is becoming more intense many people are starting to be outside more and getting color from the sun whether that be a tan or a burn. Many people enjoy having a nice tan for the summer, but most people are unaware of the negative side effects that come with being in the sun. The side effects that the sun cause are so dangerous like skin cancer and even just getting wrinkles, like who wants wrinkles. People like to think that as long as you are getting tan and not burnt that you won’t be effected but that’s a lie. Whether you tan or burn your skin is still taking the strong rays given off by the sun. There is a new trend on Tik Tok where girls are putting sunscreen on only parts of their face so they can get a natural contour that they would normally achieve with makeup. But recently doctors have stated that doing this is not a good idea for people to do. It can greatly damage the areas of your face that are not covered in sun screen. Doctors state that there is no healthy way to get a tan without damaging your skin.