Energy Vampires


Eliana N.

What is an energy vampire? An energy vampire is a person who (sometimes intentionally) drains your emotional energy. They feed on your willingness to listen and care for them, leaving you exhausted and overwhelmed. There’s multiple different types of energy vampires as well such as: the narcissist, control freaks and critics, the drama queen/king, passive-aggressive people, the victim, the nonstop talker, the rageaholic. The narcissist acts as if the world revolves around them, has an inflated self of importance and entitlement, needs the center of attention and requires endless praise, and people need to compliment them to get their approval. Each type of energy vampires have their own ways of sucking the emotional energy out of people and there are multiple signs to look out for if someone is suspicious of having an energy vampire. Some signs to look out for are: someone doesn’t take accountability for their actions, they’re always involved in a drama situation, they always try to one-up you, diminish people’s problems and play up their own, they use good nature against people, they use guilt trips/ultimatums, and they’re codependent.